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HubSpot フィードバックアンケート(Feedback Surveys)API のサポート:CData HubSpot Driver


こんにちは。CData Software Japan リードエンジニアの杉本です。

今回はCData HubSpot Driverで新しくサポートされたフィードバックアンケート:英語ではFeedback Surveys のAPIサポートの機能を紹介したいと思います。


フィードバックアンケート(Feedback Surveys)とは?

HubSpot で提供されているカスタマー サービス ソフトウェアの「Service Hub」で利用できるアンケート機能です。





そしてAPIでは、これらの回答内容が「Feedback Submissions」エンドポイントで取得できるようになっています。


CData HubSpot Driver では今回のアップデートで、この「Feedback Submissions」に対応し、アンケートの回答結果・その内容を取得することができるようになりました。



CData HubSpot Driver では新しく「Feedbacksubmissions」「FeedbackSubmissionAssociations」という2種類のテーブルをサポートしました。





Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Long Unique identifier of the object.
Archived Bool Whether the object is archived or not.
CreatedAt Datetime When the object was created.
UpdatedAt Datetime When the object was last updated.
All accessible team IDs String The team IDs, including up the team hierarchy, corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom
Business units String The business units this record is assigned to.
Contact Id Decimal The id of the contact most recently associated with this submission
Created by user ID Decimal The user that created this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
Object create date/time Datetime The date and time at which this object was created. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
Object last modified date/time Datetime Most recent timestamp of any property update for this object. This includes HubSpot internal properties, which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically.
Merged object IDs String The list of object IDs that have been merged into this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
Object ID Decimal The unique ID for this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
Unique creation key String Unique property used for idempotent creates
Updated by user ID Decimal The user that last updated this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.
User IDs of all notification followers String The user IDs of all users that have clicked follow within the object to opt-in to getting follow notifications
User IDs of all notification unfollowers String The user IDs of all object owners that have clicked unfollow within the object to opt-out of getting follow notifications
User IDs of all owners String The user IDs of all owners of this object
Survey ID Decimal The survey id that the feedback submission is linked with
Survey Type String The type of the survey
Source String The channel of the survey when the feedback submission occurred
Date Datetime The timestamp of the feedback submission
Rating Decimal The value of the feedback submission
Feedback sentiment String The sentiment of the feedback submission
Response String The follow-up response of the feedback submission
Ingestion id String The identifier we use when we initially capture a feedback submission
Knowledge article id Decimal The id of the knowledge article this submission was for
Visitor id Decimal The id of the visitor who submitted this feedback
Engagement id Decimal The id of the equivalent engagement object
Submission URL String The URL of the page the submission was made from
Survey Name String The name of the feedback survey the submission is linked with
Form guid String The form guid that the feedback submission is linked with
Email String The email of the contact associated with a feedback submission
Submission Name String The email of the contact associated with a feedback submission

重要な項目は[Survey Name]・[Survey Type]・[Source]・[Email]・[Rating]・[Feedback sentiment]・[Response]あたりではないでしょうか。


SELECT [Id],[Survey Name],[Survey Type],[Source],[Email],[Rating],[Feedback sentiment],[Response] FROM [Feedbacksubmissions];





Feedback Submissions APIの注意点

これはCData Driverというよりも、HubSpot Feedback Submissions API側の制約ですが、ちょっと注意点があります。

例えばEmailでアンケートを行った際に、まだ未回答の顧客も存在するかと思いますが、その「未回答」、どの顧客は回答していないか? というデータは取得できないようです。



また、2021年8月現在、Feedback Submissions APIに関しては現在Beta版として扱われています。

